Thursday, December 27, 2018

Special Exceptions

From the Facebook, AD&D page: "Have you ever had someone try to introduce a very odd and over powered PC to your campaign? I once had a guy try to bring in Half Pink Dragon Lesbian that threw fireballs as a breath weapon. BTW this was a 1st level campaign. Needless to say I had to say no."

I have had players who want their characters to be extra cool. 'If the DM can give me extra consideration, then I will have more fun, being special' seems to be the thinking. In the past I have been more interested in having certain people play in my game, and so I would make allowances. Totally unfair, and of poor moral judgement on my part. I am not sure if it is just because I have behaved this way in the past that encourages players to seek allowances today... In any case, I recently had a player, one that we all liked, give me an ultimatum to receive a starting benefit for his new character. I refused and we lost him as a player. I felt pressure from all over, it is just a game after all. Why not? But, I am certain that I was right. Certain.

Remember folks, I am trying to keep my game going pretty much with no end in sight. I am not looking to just fill the next year or six months. I want a lasting campaign that mostly the same people will be playing in. I want lasting memories with my closest friends. I think we are all worth it. I think making special allowances for some players will also be remembered, but not in a good way.

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