I continue to be amazed how much company-made D&D materials are not geared toward adults. There is a wide variety of Hasbro games that are made for an adult audience; so it's possible for the company that fundamentally owns D&D to gear aspects of it toward adults. Even Wizards of the Coast have games that are more mature, if not as much as its parent company. It would be nice if they took us, the original fans of the game seriously. Their attitude seems to reflect that of our modern age, where new Star Wars and Star Trek productions disrespect the original product that we loved so much. This trend ignores customers who actually have disposable income.
I am blessed that I don't need them. I am blessed to have people who encouraged me to think for myself. I am blessed to find inspiration in a great many things not produced for D&D. I wish the production value was not found in helping me relive my childhood. I wish the game was not associated with immature things, as if I were deficient because I still play D&D in my fifties. I wish... But in the end, I will not get angry over it.