Another fleeting idea of mine: I have players who want to press the limits when it comes to character creation. One wanted to have a neat, special and by all means different ability for their character. He wanted something that set his character apart from what the others could have. Along the same lines, another player created a story-line in her head and wanted a D&D character that could fit that story-line. She wanted a Half-Ogre, and continually pressed me to explore the limits in making one. Weather or not I should have granted these desires is beyond the point.
The other type of player is the one who just wants to know the rules regarding character creation. They tend to favor exactly what the book says, and can even feel stress when the DM is Interpreting things. They tend to create characters within established boundaries. They are no less creative, mind you, but they have a different starting point.
So, to what point should the DM interfere?